Friday 31 October 2008

Awakening 2

A lot of stuff happened and characters were introduced. I like this book, actually. I'm not sure why; it's not my normal type of book. I just think it's interesting.

I thought that the conversation between Madame Ratignolle and Robert was interesting. In class, we learned that how it would be unthinkable for a Creole woman to have an affair. Madame Ratignolle's assumption that Edna could still do this is fairly shocking, then. It shows that Ratignolle, despite being Edna's friend, considers her just an American who wouldn't know any better. While true, it is still not something you'd think your friend would say about you.


JLK2009 said...

SCORE! Liz likes this book. Me too.
I agree that their conversation was interesting. I think that this first conversation that we hear is going to be basically a huge metaphor for their entire relationship for the rest of the novel.
but we will see

JLK2009 said...

SCORE! Liz likes this book. Me too.
I agree that their conversation was interesting. I think that this first conversation that we hear is going to be basically a huge metaphor for their entire relationship for the rest of the novel.
but we will see