Monday, 4 February 2008


One Super Bowl ad I saw was one where giant carrier pigeons were carrying mail around. They had issues with that- they dropped things and threw cars through windows. Then two guys at the end said something like - "use FedEx". The ad compared non-FedEx mail service to useless giant pigeons and offered FedEx as a safe, effective way to send mail.

Another one I saw was one in which a girl in very tight shiny clothing was first walking, then dancing. A lizard followed her while she was walking. Then a whole bunch of lizards came and danced with her. It was a commercial for iLife water I think. It was geared to men a bit because of the girl (for obvious reasons), but it also could appeal to anyone because the lizards were cool and might be considered cute. I'm not sure exactly what the point of the lizards was, exactly, other than to get the viewer's attention.